Monday, June 18, 2012

The Mint Julep

One thing that may interfere with the "cocktail revolution" that I am hoping happens the next few years (similar to the wine and craft beer movements of the last couple decades), is the snotty attitudes of many bartenders and cocktailians who are the voice of good drinking. Ordering a drink at a bar is, after all, supposed to be fun: an escape from the diurnal judgement and condescension life inevitably brings. The best drink in the world means nothing without someone to drink it, and there will be nobody to drink a good drink without patient bartenders to graciously and humbly put the drinks before people, despite their demands for Apple Pucker.

Craft cocktails are still on the periphery of the mainstream, and yet the show Portlandia already has lampooned the movement with precise accuracy. I can't exculpate myself from the criticism entirely: it's hard to not get judgey when you are asked for an Appletini or a "Martini List." "Awwww man relax, it's just drink and food" is the sage advice my friend, Ron Arps gave me a while back, and I find myself connecting with people most, when I take that advice. I think this video is a perfect example of everything I love about craft bartending: perfect execution, understanding, amiability, passion, creativity, showmanship. From the moment Chris McMillan begins talking in this video, I want to be seated at his bar. The meat of this video begins at 4:30, enjoy and please don't judge me if I steal this bit of prose to start reciting behind the bar when fall comes and I have more time to craft mint juleps.

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